The Temp Life, Patricia Neal and Variations on Vegetable Soup

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The Temp Life, Patricia Neal and Variations on Vegetable Soup

The Temp Life
A couple of times, I ran across this "series of videos" on youtube by Spherion. I could never make out exactly what the videos were suppose to be for or about. I certainly didn't get that those videos were part of a web series on temping. According to AdAge, Spherion's The Temp Life series is a hit. And here I thought Tempcity was the biggest web series on the net. Well, I suppose if The Temp Life does get some press, it might bring some attention our way. I would also point out that Tempcity started BEFORE The Temp Life.

The Premise: Staffing and temping agency Spherion wanted to make students, recent grads and entry-level professionals aware of its job-finding services when it signed up to sponsor CJP Digital Media's "The Temp Life" back in 2006. As the series evolved and the job market worsened, the "Temp Life" took on an almost meta-reality for the agency as its audience adopted the temp lifestyle portrayed by the series' characters. Ad Age

Variety is reporting (08/26/10) that a comedy called Temps is scheduled for NBC. THE DEAD GIRL in the tv series Dead Like Me worked for a temp agency called "Happy Times". There was another tv series very similar to Dead Like Me that also had a "temping" angle.

Patricia Neal
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — Patricia Neal, the willowy, husky-voiced actress who won an Academy Award for 1963's "Hud" and then survived several strokes to continue acting, died on Sunday. She was 84. AP

There is a very famous story attributed to Patricia Neal. I say "attributed" because it is a very old story and I don't yet see a reference to it in any of the obituaries for Miss. Neal. However,

As reported in many of the current news items about Patricia Neal, she suffered a series of strokes in her 30's. Patricia Neal's husband, back in the day, was widely credited with standing by Patricia Neal and nursing (or helping to nurse) her back to a point where she relearned how to walk and talk and returned to making movies. See, thing is that,

Patricia Neal then divorced the husband who helped nurse her back to health. There was a quote attributed to Patrica Neal about her divorcing her husband, the quote had Patrica Neal saying: "I just couldn't spend the rest of my life being grateful."

Talk about your brilliant lines.

Vegetable Soup Feast
We've mentioned before this recipe for vegetable soup we found long years ago in the wonderful Live Foods Cookbook.

Essentially, the recipe calls for:

1. Pouring enough Olive Oil in a pot to Steam / heati-up the amount of vegetables you intend to use. I think it is the Olive Oil which really give the soup its flavor. You can use one of those frozen vegetable packages. I tried the recipe recently using a frozen vegetable mix (corn, carrots, green beans) and fresh onions and fresh celery.

2. Pour in 50/50 tomato juice and water, I use about 50/50 crushed tomatoes and water. The tomato juice in the stores is ( a ) too expensive and ( b ) too watery. The 99 Cent Store had crushed tomatoes for $1. And, with a can of crushed tomatoes you could probably make the equivalent of about six or eight cans of the "tomato juice" they sale in stores.

That's it! I guess you can "season" the soup to your taste. If anything, I usually add Hot Sauce to mine.

This little recipe tastes so good for something so simple, I wonder WHY there are so many ingredients in vegetable soup when I look at the contents of a can of vegetable soup.

I had this big vegetable soup feast planned. I bought a can of chili for the ground beef to put ground beef in the soup. I bought fresh onions and celery. And, I made a batch of rice with my rice cooker. I was going to have a soup with vegetables rice and beef.

Alas, it was too hot to cook and I was too lazy to cook. I ended up making vegetable soup with rice but, the can of chili is still unopened.

Frequently, I buy packages of of these frozen vegetables mixes to make vegetable soup and I end up throwing out the packages after a while because I never make the soup.

I just saw a huge sign on 8th Avenue for The Soup Nazis. Maybe the sign has been there a while but, I just saw it over the weekend.

I went into this store a few weeks ago and asked if they had soup. The guy told me that they don't make soup in the summer.

My favorite soup in The Live Foods Cookbook is a Cream of Corn Soup. You get the CREAM EFFECT using peanut butter or almond nut butter. The Cream of Corn soup is "more involved" to make than the Vegetable Soup. I would also have to actually clean by blender to make the Cream of Corn Soup.

Marion Paige