GSITE Old Hookups and The Trouble They Cause

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Rusty Lover
Joined: 31 Dec 1969
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GSITE Old Hookups and The Trouble They Cause

Eric Blaine
GSITE Keeping Track of Old Hookups

I have this extremely bad habit of DIVORCING sex from work. I have never, and I don't think I could ever, have sex with someone I work with. And, I have this bad habit of not immediately realizing that I may have had sex with someone I was working with before I worked with them. I seem to have a good memory for people I meet in sexual situations that I don't have sex with.

There was the time I started this temp job and I recognized this young bald paralegal guy as a guy I ran into at "an establishment". I didn't have sex with the guy but, obviously, I knew he was gay and he knew I was guy.

I was thinking that it was going to be very uncomfortable working at that job with that paralegal but, it turned out the paralegal was a temp and he was only at the company for that one day.

Bald Paralegal wasn't bald when I ran into him at Establishment. He was with another guy and they were sitting on a bench in towels. I started up a conversation with them. Now,

Unbeknownst to me at the time that I ran into Bald Paralegal at the Establishment, Bald Paralegal had done porn. There are at least two porn videos I know of that Bald Paralegal did. Just the other day, I ran across nude photos of Bald Paralegal in an old gay magazine I have. Bald Paralegal may not even be bald, he may have just shaved his head to change his image from the way he looked when he did porn. I don't think there are many people who would recognize Bald Paralegal from old porn he did back in the early eighties.

I was going to post a scan of the nude pictures of Bald Paralegal (they are pictures from one of the porn videos he did) but, I figured posting the pictures might cause some problems for Bald Paralegal in his "new profession".

Eric Blaine
I'm fairly sure now, years and years later, that I had sex with a guy, Pete, who became a fairly good friend of mine, I think I had sex with him before I later met Pete again on a temp jobs. Pete not only claimed to be straight, he claimed to hate gay people. Pete said he could tell if a guy was gay because Gay Guy's breath smell like Dick.

Pete admitted to having been a big time drug addict at one time. But, he claimed he cleaned up and discovered God. Pete definitely "fell off the wagon" during the time I was friends with him.

Pete was banned from temping at one company because he was stealing shit from people's desks and ripping out parts from computer equipment to sell to buy drugs. Pete's "girlfriend" was a stripper and Pete admitted to "going through" a thousand dollars and more at strip clubs in a haze of booze, drugs, sex and tipping strippers.

One time, Pete came up to me on a temp job and said that he and his stripper girlfriend were putting together a Private Party for people to watch them have sex. I forgot how much he said he was charging people to see the show.

Had I consciously realized "back then" that Pete was THAT GUY I had sex with at Establishment, it would definitely have been very arkward working with him and I doubt that we would have become friends. I'm not going to go into "detail" about what it was like having sex with Pete but, let's just say his head was in "a very weird place"; he wanted to tie me up, among other stupid shit. I tried to play along with Pete's little sexual fantasy for a while but, eventually,the whole encounter just became silly.

I seem to be thinking about Pete a lot these days.

I used to think that it was possible to "reach" anyone, no matter how fucked in the head they were. However, I learned my lesson the hard way. Some people are fucked in the head BEYOND REPAIR and, the best thing to do is to just stay the fuck away from them.

Eric Blaine

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Gay Sex in the Eighties