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Harry Les Trade
Joined: 31 Dec 1969
Points: 0 Investment Banking Guides

Frankly, I don't much see the point of relationships that don't involve sex and that don't generate any revenue. Like, take mothers for example. Sure, they gave birth to you, but, are you suppose to like be fahkiing obligated to them for the rest of your fahking life for that? I mean, if the beauches ain't setting up no trust funds for you, and they ain't otherwise coughing up any cash, I say fahk'em! What have you done for me lately.

Inspite of my position on non-sexual relationships that don't generate revenue, I've decided to join's affiliate program. does have a lot of guides on investment banking and finance. And, while affiliate programs have in the past proven to be worthless, I'm gonna give a chance to prove to me that they are worthy of seeing me naked.

or,, prove to me that you're no fool, walk across my swimming pool

It wasn't until the Christian Curry Thing at Morgan Stanley that really blew-up (as the Negroes say). Christian Curry is a Black guy who took a job with Morgan Stanley and then some nude pictures of him surfaced in a couple of gay magazines. Curry was fired from Morgan Stanley and Morgan Stanley went just a little bit too far in building a defense to Curry's lawsuit. While the Curry thing was going on, the place to get the latest insider gossip about the whole thing was Christian Curry, more or less, made a superstar (get it? superstar? swimming pool? Ohhhh, kiss my White Aasss! I've got underwear older than you!).

Morgan Stanley settled Curry's lawsuit out of court for a reported $20 million dollars. I think any lawyer who knows anything et. al. about employment law and discrimination lawsuits would laugh at the fact that anyone could actually think that a federal judge would award a Negroe any-kinda-millions of dollars in a discrimination lawsuit. Curry had to have had something else on Morgan Stanley that wasn't reported. There is no fahking way that any company in New York City, expecially one with pockets and connections as deep as Morgan Stanley, would be afraid of some Negroe suing it for racial discrimination in Federal Court.