The Man Crush and Dumb Straight Guys

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Harry Les Trade's picture
Harry Les Trade
Joined: 31 Dec 1969
Points: 0
The Man Crush and Dumb Straight Guys

Jossip has a blog entry on what those wacky heteros are calling a Man Crush. As I recall, there was a reference to a Man Crush on Seinfeld when "Jerry" was hung up on Keith Hernandez. To paraphrase America's famous brain-damaged president, there they go again.

The Heteros define a Man Crush as a overly affectionate non-sexual relationship between two boring (usually old and ugly) hetero guys.

Hetero Guys should just stick with women, they don't know how to do other guys. Lookit, in every Man Crush I've seen, the relationship has never had any possible economic gain associated with it, for either guy. And, come on now, if you're going to just do relationships willy nilly disregarding financial gain, you may as well just fahk and sheat in the woods like the rest of the animals.

Relationships without the possibility of financial gain? If that ain't the ultimate horror show I don't know what is.

Peter Everhard's picture
Peter Everhard
Joined: 31 Dec 1969
Points: 10
The Man Crush and Dumb Straight Guys

Ditto on that Harry

And don't you just hate it when you hook up with some guy because he looks like he has money but he's really poor? Jesus Christ! It should at least be like a misdemeanor to be poor.

Peter Everhard
My Forum @ Drama NYC ™

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